Dark Berry Lips...


Want to "Vamp" up your red lips?

Well let me show you how... 

In the video I buffer my lips with my foundation brush. This step is optional however It helps to blend my lip lines and acts sort of a lip primer. (You can also use a lip primer if you have one. It just helps bring the lip colour out and in some cases makes the lipstick last. Totally optional).

Please note that I am not using extra foundation on my lips. I am just using whats left over on the brush already and going over my lips. (You don't want foundation covered lips - that style died years ago - and should remain dead lol)

Another benefit I found is that after I blend my lips with my foundation brush, I find it easier to apply my lipliner. It stands out, you create better lines and decide how defined you want you cupid's bow. E.g if you want it rounded like Beyonce or sharp as Rihanna's. You create the illusions. The lip pencil is MAC in 'Currant'.

After lining my lips and filling them in I pick a lip colour thats slightly lighter and fill my lips without going in to the corners and border. I am using MAC 'All Fired Up' Lipstick. I then use the lip pencil again to go over the corners to ensure the ombre effect. I then use a flat top brush to neaten the borders and getting rid of any bleeding. I got my brush C432 Flat Line Definer from CrownBrushes.co.uk


See below a quick video of how I achieved this lip look 

Products used:

  • MAC 'Currant' Lipliner
  • MAC 'All Fired Up' Lipstick

Until next time